Friday, May 28, 2010
Bountiful City Policy
I don’t think tattooed people have low interest in business. Their tattoos don’t make them less professional in what they do. My friend who has visual tattoo on his body has worked in wall-mart since he graduated high school. What he worked is that he sells his assigned product and earns interest of how much he sold. Even if my friend has tattoo on his body, he explains his product effectively and persuasively to customer and achieves high interest. I think the way employer judge people is how much a person can make interest to their company not what they look like. Also, they just present anything on their body. I think they just like to express something such as love, culture and believing on their body. I don’t think tattooed people like someone interfere theirs expression. I think we are not qualified talking something to tattooed people because they don’t damage people to do something.
Bountiful City policy to restrict hiring of people with tattoos
Bountiful City Policy
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Bountiful city policy
Bountiful City (Tattoes, Percing)
So now it is no secret, if you want to be hired at Bountiful City, it’s best not to be tattooed or pierced !We live in a country where individual freedoms should be globally respected and where we should be able to do whatever we want and dress as you want. But unfortunately, the reality is quite different because of the social conventions that exist; so, often you can say what you want, you are not the strongest. Yet, the time when people with tattoos and piercing were view as "hooligans", the "outlaws" is long gone! Today, many tattooed people are very respectable and have a great personality. The thing is that the majority of those who have business are people over 45/50 years. They also represent the vast majority of people for who tattoos and piercings, is not suitable to the world of business. . Employers are looking for what their customers want and obviously the customers are uncomfortable purchasing items from tattooed people. At the other hand, it is being unfair for those who have been tattooed and pierced for good reasons. Some people want to mark an event that has been really important for them. When you come and tell them that they need to hide these tattoos it is also telling them to be ashamed of who they are or of what they have been through. Some of you will see that as discrimination, but I truly think this is misunderstanding this category of people. Of course, this law regarding the people who have got tattoos and piercing in bountiful city is unfair .If there is discrimination toward them it is coming from those picky purchasers who think that they can evaluate the product being sold through the seller.
Bountiful Tattoo Policy
Ink Barely Dry
Bountiful City policy
Choices and consequences.
On that note, I feel that Bountiful's choice is within their rights. Any employer has the right to pick and choose who is best fitting for the job, and if somebody with a visible tattoo would hinder the productivity or profitability of any company, its their right to not hire them. I would imagine a lot of the jobs that Bountiful city have deal a lot with the public. I wouldn't want somebody who has visible tattoos representing my city either.
Bountiful Tattoo Policy
Now obviously this is just my opinion. I am not going to say I do not form my own opinions about people, because I do. I think everyone when they meet someone forms an opinion about them, whether it be good or bad they do. But on a business level, and even on a consumer level your personal opinions should not matter. If they can sell the product or can do the work effectively, it should not matter how they look.
Get over your self people, and stop being selfish.
Bountiful City Tattoo Policy
I have nothing against tattoos. So in my mind, this is bringing up the struggle to choose your self expression or a job. I am studying to be a high school teacher, so I choose not to go out and get the tattoos that I had wanted since I was a little kid. I want to be more accepted into my career. My job requires things from me, and society is there to support these things if I like it or not. And if a job requires a professional look, that is just as important as anything else that is required.
If you absolutely have to get a visible tattoo, look for a job that doesn't care. I have nothing against people who may fight to work where they please, I do support those that do that. But the job is what it is.
Bountiful Tattoo Policy
If this law is allowed to continue it would be promoting discrimination. What will our kids think when we say discriminating against people is wrong, except if they have tattoos and piercings? I think that if one law allows discrimination, then eventually more laws will be made that allow discrimination and then where would we be? To me, this law in Bountiful is there because people know that it is wrong to discriminate but they feel that if there is a law saying that they can reject employment because of tattoos then it is okay to discriminate and I completely disagree.
Bountiful City Tattoo Policy
To have a tattoo is a choice, everyone knows that. As Americans we have that right. For a city to make a law of that kind is discriminating; any law that restricts according to how you look is such. Some may consider tattoos to be different because one who has a tattoo chose to put it there; a tattoo also has a message with it no matter what the tattoo is. Any potential employer can look at that tattoo and see the message it puts across. I think that the message is far more important than weather or not they have a tattoo. Many of the tattoos that I have seen do not put the best messages across; often it really is not that pleasant to look at. So in that case I would say that there shouldn't be a blanket law or policy stating: If you have a visible tattoo we won't employ you. Rather a policy that if your visible tattoo gives a message that the employer feels is offensive, or will discourage costumers from coming to the store, that can be grounds not to hire, or even grounds to fire a person. I am the kind of person who does not like the concept of tattooing so in my opinion any tattoo is not a good idea.
Bountiful Policy
It also seems that they will get many more arguments out of this law than they will benefits. They created this law to create a higher caliber of employees as far as image-wise, but are we really trying to teach the youth of today to really on superficial ideals? Schools try to teach us now to get rid of stereotypes and not judge people by their appearance because in the long run that's not what matters or should matter. So having the law go against that is not only a contradiction but in many cases a step backwards. How can we ever progress as people if we hold onto such old-fashioned bias'?
I realize that they're not fully banning tattoos in the workplace,but it's not far from it. If they can have tattoos, the employers should not have control over what part of their body is tattooed.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bountiful Policy
Bountiful City Policy
I think that if the reason they are making this the policy is because they feel that those with tattoos are not as hard of workers or some other type of stigma that follows tattoos then I feel like it is a sad day for people with tattoos and piercing. In my opinion the way you judge a person or in this case the way you evaluate someone is by who they are not because of what they are. Each of us has a picture in our mind of what people are without really even knowing the person. From my experience I have learned that people can look a certain way and they can actually be very different. I have only learned that by getting to know the person and actually seeing who they are. I believe that as a society whenever there has been what I call blank statements placed upon people there is never good results.
Bountiful City's ban on visible tattoos
In this argument it is also important to see the point of view of the employer. An employer wants his employees to reflect the place of business. Many of the things we do are done in following a trend of culture. Culture influences many of the things we do every day, is different everywhere you go, and can even change over time. In our culture visible tattoos and piercings tend to carry connotations contrary to a professional atmosphere however accurate or inaccurate they may be. Everyone has heard the common motto of many employers, “the customer is always right!” Many times an employer must do things for the sole purpose of pleasing his customers. Some customers will not buy a product from someone with tattoos and piercings. However wrong the customer’s judgments of the employee may be, the employer simply cannot afford to hire him. Although I believe judging someone based on physical appearance is wrong, I believe it is not always our employers, but in many cases our culture that makes these judgments.
Link For Friday's Blog
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Updated Reading & Assignment Schedule
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Class Cancellation 5/19
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Believing and Doubting
- Home schooling is just as beneficial to a young person as public schooling.
- It should be illegal to use a cell phone while driving.
- To help fight terrorism and promote public safety, individuals should be willing to give up some of their rights.
- College students who know what they want to do for a career should be able to skip general education requirements.
- Students and teachers should not be allowed to communicate with each other via social networking sites like Facebook.
- In recent years, advertising has made enormous gains in portraying women as strong, independent, and intelligent.
- There should be a tax on unhealthy foods, similar to current taxes on tobacco and alcohol.
- Potential employers should be able to reject job candidates because of tattoos, piercings, or extreme hairstyles.
- Drivers of high-consumption vehicles (SUVs, muscle cars, big trucks, etc.) should pay an energy tax.
- In order to decrease our dependence on foreign sources of oil, we should increase drilling off-shore and in the ANWR province of Alaska.
- If there is a law I believe to be immoral or unjust, I should refuse to follow it.
- High schools should censor what kind of reading material is available to students.
- Performance-enhancing drugs should be legalized and regulated in professional sports.
- Grades are an effective means of motivating students to do their best work.
- Child vaccinations for measles, chicken pox, hepatitis, H1N1, etc. should be mandatory.
- We should be able to adapt the United States Constitution to meet the needs of the 21stCentury.
- Illegal immigrants should be deported.
- Testing medications, beauty products, and weapons on animals is cruel and should be banned.
- Whoever gets the most votes in a presidential election should be elected. We should do away with the electoral college system.
- In order to save money, we should cancel the space program and focus on our own planet.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Problematic, Arguable Question
Problematic Question
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Problematic Question
Problematic Question
Friday, May 7, 2010
controversial question
Problematic Question
Problematic, Arguable Question
Arguable, Problematic Question
Monday, May 3, 2010
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