Friday, May 7, 2010

Arguable, Problematic Question

Should Arizona officers be given the authority to stop suspected illegal immigrants and demand proof of citizenship?

1 comment:

  1. I think they should be able to, because a) it's the law, b) it's their job as police officers to uphold the law, and profiling is a natural part of police work, and c) the police already investigate suspicious activities, whether it's drunk driving, or somebody being around somebody's house, they profile teenagers with long hair, etc.

    To me it's not an issue of racial profiling, because I feel that on the one hand we want our country to be really safe, and we don't want things like September 11th to happen, but we also don't want anybody to get offended that we might think they're up to something suspicious.

    I can see that people would be sensitive about this new law because they already feel discriminated against, and so this is another way for them to be embarrassed or wrongfully detained. Plus, I think that they believe that the law is about Hispanics, and not about all illegal immigrants, so it's more about stopping just Hispanics, which may not always be the case.

    That being said, I don't know if I believe that illegal immigrants are a bad thing, but if the majority of American people want stricter immigration laws and more control along the borders, and if the law goes through the process and is passed, the American system is more important than a particular group of people's feelings that the law is prejudice.

    From what I've seen, most Americans want stricter immigration laws, and I think it's important to fulfill the promise of Americans that they can vote on laws and laws can be passed, and when they are passed, they are put into practice. I look at it as more of a bigger picture rather than a race issue.
