Monday, May 3, 2010

Welcome to Our Class Blog

Welcome to our online community, a public forum for continuing discussion.

Please check the blog daily, even on days when there is no required post. I will often post announcements or schedule changes here. For example, in the event that I have to cancel class for any reason, I will announce that here.

Please be aware of the following: The cut-off time for posting is one hour before class starts. Like all work in this class, blog responses cannot be made up. If you post late, I will delete your post.

In order to join the blog, you must register. To do this, send me an email ( from the account you would like to use. Please include your first and last name in the email, as well as your section number (A08). In return, I will send an invitation to that same email. Accept that invitation by following the appropriate links and becoming a contributor. Blogging is a required component of this course, and you will need to contribute right away, so please register today.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to a great summer.


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