Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Link For Friday's Blog

There is a blog assignment for Friday. In order to write the blog entry, you will first need to read/watch the KSL News story on Bountiful City's ban on visible tattoos. You can do that here.

As your assignment schedule explains, you need to comment on the posts of two of your classmates in addition to writing an original post. Your response should largely focus on the content of the piece, not its rhetoric. This is a dialectic exercise, so I am mainly interested in a discussion. How do you feel about the law? Is it fair? Is it a violation of an individual's rights? Try to consider the point of view of both a potential employer and employee.

Also, the assignment schedule says to read the first 1/2 of Chapter 6, but then it lists the page numbers for the entire chapter. For Friday, you only need to read pages 109-126.


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