Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Class Cancellation 5/19

I apologize for the short notice, but we will not be having class today. My daughter has been trying to see a specialist, and there was a cancellation today. I have to go when I can or else I won't be able to get her in for months.

I will be posting a revised assignment schedule today or tomorrow, but in the short term, please just push everything back a day. Bring your ads on Friday. The Visual Rhetorical Analysis peer review will be on Monday, and the final draft will be due on Wednesday. In other words, what is on the schedule for today will now be Friday. What is on the schedule for Friday will now be Monday. You get the idea.

Please email me with any questions. I will see you on Friday.



  1. Good Luck Daniel! Getting into the dr can be a pain in the rear so yay that she was able to get in!

  2. Good luck and see you friday! Hope everything is works out the way you want it to.
