Tuesday, June 22, 2010

English 1010

What have I learned from our English class? I have learned a lot of different things. I haven’t taken English for a couple of years so this was a nice review for me. I learned how to use quotes, which I think is very important for every college student to know, especially since all of us will have to take at least one more advanced English class. We will want to go to the class actually knowing what we are doing. I’m sure all the future classes we have to take will require a paper or two. I also enjoyed figuring out how to put my thoughts together, so that my paper doesn’t seem choppy and it flows better. Writing about things that we actually had an interest for was a first for me. It made the class seem a little bit easier, but still being able to apply new skills. I also enjoyed figuring out what peer feedback I should apply to my paper and what I should leave out. Sometimes that’s hard to do since you can get feedback from one person telling you not to change something, but get feedback from another person saying that they hated that part. All in all, I think this class has taught me a lot of different things that I am sure to use in my future college career.

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