Friday, June 25, 2010

The inportant things what I have learned.

In class. students discuss a lot of things relatived with what we write down. So, it was interesting in participating in talking our matter. However, the only thing i miss is that I should have talked about things more joining class argument bringing about better grade in participation points. I totally like to write down beliving and doubting essay which was decribing one matter in different viewpoints and talked about proper idea to support my argument. Also, there are a lot of works in classes I think one thing I have learned the most is research paper which I focuse on my whole power and attention. We learned hot to make Works Cited page which is really important to make research papers and someone came to our class to teach our subject.
I have one thing I still don't make sence why we put our responce on summary papers.I think I misunderstand what you want during summary paper time. So, it resulted me in getting low grade for summary paper. However, i entirely liked to take this class because I learned a lot of the way to summarize, organize and equate in this class.

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