Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The most important thing I have learned

I guess what I learned from the class is that a paper is like a jigsaw puzzle. At the start there is nothing more than an idea, but by the end there is a clear picture, and every piece is important to that picture. It does not matter if that piece is organization, citing, word placement, or rhetoric. Everything is important in some way or another, and nothing in a paper should be taken for granted. This is not anything that Westover directly taught, but what I have learned because of everything that he taught.

Everything from how to organize my papers to being able to analyze a pieces rhetoric has improved thanks to this class. I do not consider myself much of a writer, and I still do not think I am much of one. Although I do think I am a better writer because of this class. This class has been one of the better classes I have taken here at UVU.

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