Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I learn how to write because I wanted to and not just because I have to. This made all the difference because I had an interest in the subject and it felt like what I was learning about in the process of writing would actually help me in the future. The papers were not on some lame subject the teacher assigned. They were about what I choose and card about. Thru this want, I structured my papers better, my arguments were stronger and it actually felt like I was trying to persuade someone and not just get an assignment done.

I got some good experience in writing papers that were not all structured the same. Unlike my high school English classes where I had to use the same structuring system on every paper that I wrote, which were very boring and seemed to hinder the rhetoric of the paper. That brings up another important thing I have learned, the meaning of rhetoric and how to use it in a paper to make it more persuasive. On that first day of class that word “rhetoric” was completely foreign to me, and how I have learned so much about it.

This class has been very fun and I have learned a lot. Although I have always hated English and writing and probably will for quite some time, what I have learned in this class will make thing a little easier

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