Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let's not kiss asses here

"My education was the liberty I had to read indiscriminately and all the time, with my eyes hanging out." -DYLAN THOMAS.

This is a quote from my favorite Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas. I'm sure your very familiar with his work, Daniel.

This quote pretty much sums up my education through out college. I have become a better writer, mainly, by having a reason to read and write, all of the time. Not to under-mind the importance of a good teacher for guidance, but most of the improvements I made this semester came as a consequence of a lot of reading, writing and hard work.

That is what I learned from this class, that I could become a better writer, by reading and rereading analytically, and writing by writing and revising. Just like with painting, I learned that I can always improve on my writing, by always writing, all the time, with the intent to improve my skills.

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