Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What I have learned this summer...

The most important thing I have learned about writing this summer has been how to create ideas, and organize them into words that effectively convey my thoughts to others. This class has helped me learn how to think about things more in depth, as well as look at things from many different perspectives. I have realized that as I write I am able to formulate my own ideas and better understand the ideas of others. This class has helped strengthen me ability to organize my ideas in the most effective writing style of the assignment. For example I now know how to write a paper for future college classes that will be able to catch the interest of my reader and guide them through my ideas. I can now use many tactics in persuasive writing to win the emotion, logic, and trust of my readers. I found the class to be interesting with a teaching style that helped me to understand the material. I am glad that I took this class because it has been interesting to me to learn more about how other people see the world. It will benefit me in the future because of the improvement of my ability to write college level papers.

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