Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Most Important Things that I've Learned

Writing was something that I've always wanted to improve on, I felt like I had good ideas, I just had a hard time putting it down on paper. I have learned to be more confident in my writing, to take criticism in a positive way, and to build on what others say about my work. One of my favorite things that we went over in class was rhetorical thinking. I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed analyzin ads and magazines. Learning how to correctly cite others' work has come in handy with my other classes, when I have to write research papers. Taking this class has helped me understand that English is more than just grammatical concepts, it is rhetorical thinking and being able to connect with the story you are reading. I found writing the Argument Research Paper challenging but rewarding. I had fun opening my mind to other's opinions and stating my own opinion. I also learned that my view wasn't always the right or the best view. I learned that there are more than just two different views to a topic and learning that has helped me to respect other's views and see their point of views more effectively.

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