Monday, June 21, 2010

What I Will Take Away

You want me to NOT go on and on about what a great class this was? Okay I'll do my best. However, I can say that I knew, going in, that I was going to love this class. My husband, having thoroughly enjoyed Daniel's class and being the one who encouraged me to make sure that I took it from him. SO, I went in knowing that I would learn a lot! I have always thought of myself as an adequate writer, being able to easily get my ideas on paper, but I was always worried about 'structure structure structure'. In this class I learned that there are so many -different- types of structure, that what I knew before may not be what is important now.

More, I learned how to properly quote in a research paper! This really saved my bacon as I had a simultaneous history class in which I was required to write a research paper. Thankfully, I was able to use everything I had learned in English 1010 and apply it to my history paper! Had I not decided to take this class, at this time, I likely would have bombed my history paper. So, though I learned about structure and how to flow through a paper, and that was important, the –most- important thing I learned was likely the way to put together a research paper properly.

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