Friday, May 28, 2010

Bountiful City policy to restrict hiring of people with tattoos

I would say this new employee policy in Bountiful is quite reasonable. It is a fact that very first impression of somebody is by his or her appearance, and no matter we judge them wrong or not. If a person is trying to get a position that interacts with the public or with people from other companies, those other people could be judgmental about tattoos that are visible outside the clothes. If you are coming to work for me, I expect you to look like a professional, considering you are now representing my company when you are on the clock, or in my uniform. So the tattoos that are offensive would need to be covered up, and some of the visible piercings will have to be removed, or studded. Moreover, the policy says: “No visible tattoos and no piercings, that's the new standard if you want to work for the city of Bountiful.” I don’t really consider this policy as a banning. Get as many piercings as you want, but Fred Moss, he is just clarifying that they can take them out. If they have earrings types of things, they can take them out during the day. What they do on their private time is up to them. Lastly, if I see as a business owner, I have an image to uphold, and if you don't meet my standards for upholding that image, you need to make the necessary changes or leave.

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