Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bountiful City's ban on visible tattoos

I think this is definitely a two sided issue and on each side there is a reasonable argument. I can see the point of view of the employee feeling discriminated against because of his or her physical appearance, specifically tattoos and piercings. Physical appearance and many other factors sometimes play an unfair role in the decision process of an employer selecting future employees. No one wants to have unfair or incorrect judgments or stereotypes placed on them that would label them as less qualified for a particular job.
In this argument it is also important to see the point of view of the employer. An employer wants his employees to reflect the place of business. Many of the things we do are done in following a trend of culture. Culture influences many of the things we do every day, is different everywhere you go, and can even change over time. In our culture visible tattoos and piercings tend to carry connotations contrary to a professional atmosphere however accurate or inaccurate they may be. Everyone has heard the common motto of many employers, “the customer is always right!” Many times an employer must do things for the sole purpose of pleasing his customers. Some customers will not buy a product from someone with tattoos and piercings. However wrong the customer’s judgments of the employee may be, the employer simply cannot afford to hire him. Although I believe judging someone based on physical appearance is wrong, I believe it is not always our employers, but in many cases our culture that makes these judgments.


  1. Good job arguing both sides. It was really strong on each side too. I agree that our culture creates that discrimination and that we have to almost fully give in to it.Things progress and then regress and we have to just try to keep the world moving forward. Maybe one day we will be even closer to true equality.

  2. I really like how you made it clear that you felt like it was a complicated matter. I think you bring up some valid points that question the reasons behind such a policy.

  3. I like how balanced your argument is, it is not really leaning to one side or the other. I do agree that society tends to mold what we think is acceptable and what is not.

  4. You have a good point of view on each side. I agree people can not be judged by their expression. However, on employers side, it is considerable matter to hire a looking offensive person.
