Friday, May 28, 2010

Bountiful City Policy

People discuss the issue of hiring tattooed people. When I read this article ‘bountiful city policy’, I think this is unfair to restrict hiring tattooed people. Some people say that they feel scared of looking at tattooed people on the street because they seem to threaten other people and tattooed people have more possibility of committing crimes. I think, however, tattoo on people doesn’t matter on working in their field and they just present themselves on their way.
I don’t think tattooed people have low interest in business. Their tattoos don’t make them less professional in what they do. My friend who has visual tattoo on his body has worked in wall-mart since he graduated high school. What he worked is that he sells his assigned product and earns interest of how much he sold. Even if my friend has tattoo on his body, he explains his product effectively and persuasively to customer and achieves high interest. I think the way employer judge people is how much a person can make interest to their company not what they look like. Also, they just present anything on their body. I think they just like to express something such as love, culture and believing on their body. I don’t think tattooed people like someone interfere theirs expression. I think we are not qualified talking something to tattooed people because they don’t damage people to do something.

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