Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bountiful City policy

We live in this country where we have a lot of luxuries and when we are denied one of these luxuries, I would like to believe that every thing would be alright, but the fact is that people get annoyed, and they have to do some thing about it. Just to think about how you are being discriminated against is wrong; we need to think about how the company that we are going to work for will be affected by our presents if we have a tattoo, or a body piercings. It is sad that businesses are affected by something that really doesn’t matter, but the truth is that it does. The way the business looks on the outside and the inside, the atmosphere in the business, and the employees all make a very real difference in how effective that business is. If I was running a business that needs to be professional then I would make a policy not to hire people with visible tattoos or body piercings. That should be my right as the employer and if you don’t like that you should go work somewhere else because there are plenty of opportunities out there. It is not my right though to not give some one a job because they are not hot, or because of the color of there skin. That is where the line should be drawn. If you are born with something business can not discriminate against you, but if you make a chose that is a different matter.


  1. well i think that would be a good place to start but what about all the people who's tattoos are pleasant to see, like a butterfly on the wrist. I know it would still be the employers choice but i think that just makes it to easy to give someone who is just a little less qualified the job.

  2. i agree what you said about the employer's right that can make a policy not to hire people with visible tattoos or body piercings. yeah, employer also has right to choose their employees..
