Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bountiful City Tattoo Policy

Tattoo's, are of course, a way of expressing ones self. If I personally were rejected a job because of a form of expression I used, I don't think I would want to work there at all. I wouldn't fight for something where, once I get it, I am still discriminated against. This happened. And if people with visible tattoos are allowed to have these jobs again, the situation is still recognized. Some people just do not let these things go!
I have nothing against tattoos. So in my mind, this is bringing up the struggle to choose your self expression or a job. I am studying to be a high school teacher, so I choose not to go out and get the tattoos that I had wanted since I was a little kid. I want to be more accepted into my career. My job requires things from me, and society is there to support these things if I like it or not. And if a job requires a professional look, that is just as important as anything else that is required.
If you absolutely have to get a visible tattoo, look for a job that doesn't care. I have nothing against people who may fight to work where they please, I do support those that do that. But the job is what it is.


  1. You make a very interesting point. I am actually studying to be a elementary school teacher so I understand how you want to present youself in a certain way. At the same time though you have to think about the people that arent educated and are very limited to the type of jobs that they can do. If they can only do a certain type of job and that job wont hire them... What are they going to do?

  2. You make a great argument. I really think it comes down to keeping your personal life and professional life separate. There are places where its inappropriate to express your personal views and there is no way to get around it in the professional world with visible tattoos.

  3. Thats exactly it, the fact that we classify tattoos as unprofessional. To claim that somebody is unprofessional based on how they look rather than how they conduct the duties of their profession. A dictionary definition of unprofessional is :"not done with professional competence, as a play staged or an opera performed by amateurs; amateurish". This is just one definition of the word, but I think it is the most relevant.

  4. I find your argument is most similar to my stance on this topic. I personally would not apply a traditional tattoo to my body. The standard that tattoo are unprofessional is that of a more classic view. I find society is shifting; the more liberal generation is maturing and expanding in numbers. I believe acceptance and being less judgmental of others will improve in time.
